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Jackson Pollock 51

Jackson Pollock 51

2,086 visite
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per Stefania Tramarin 14 anni fa
in Arte - Video
Jackson Pollock 51, 1951 (excerpt) Hans Namuth and Paul Falkenberg (directors) Morton Feldman (composer)
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1,637 visite
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per Stefania Tramarin 14 anni fa
in Arte - Video
Music by Daniel Giorgetti
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1,716 visite
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per Stefania Tramarin 14 anni fa
in Arte - Video
I keep reading about people arguing if Picasso was a great artist or not...If a painter paints a flower upside down and all others tells him that this is amazing, than, that painter will always paint that flower upside down. Picasso did the opposite. He was always in search for something new, he started with cubism, than abstractionism, surrealism, and his Blue and Rose Periods had a huge influence in modern art. If you all judge a painter if it's good or not by how well and realistic he draws o...
Tipo di Media
ANNO ZERO raiperunanotte:  Masi e Innocenti al telefono Caso mills 2/2 - 25.03.2010

ANNO ZERO raiperunanotte: Masi e Innocen...

2,583 visite
0 0
per Stefania Tramarin 14 anni fa
in Cinema Teatro e Intrattenimento - Video
Intercettazioni: Appena Berlusconi scopre che Santoro avrebbe mandato in onda una puntata sul processo Mills, chiama al telefono Masi... Masi chiama il commissario delle autorità che controlla la rai Carlo Innocenti... e dice: "noi coi telegiornali stiamo dando tutto un altro messaggio..." Riferendosi poi al programma di Santoro "sarebbe già tanto se riuscissimo a non farglielo fare... Bisogna muoversi indirettamente... OOOoooOOOH! spezzone tratto dalla puntata di Anno Zero andata in onda solo s...
Tipo di Media
Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat, filmed in 1986

Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat, fi...

1,713 visite
0 0
per Stefania Tramarin 14 anni fa
in Cinema Teatro e Intrattenimento - Video
This is from the final episode of State of the Art, a series of documentaries about the visual arts in the 1980s. To buy the DVD, please go to www.illuminationsmedia.co.uk Filmed in Europe, the United States and Australia in 1985-6, the six programmes feature many key artists including -- in addition to Basquiat and Warhol -- Cindy Sherman, Antony Gormley, Hans Haacke, Eric Fischl and Joseph Beuys. The films also explore the intellectual context of the time and the ideas of post-modernism. The s...
Tipo di Media
Roxy Music - Avalon

Roxy Music - Avalon

2,132 visite
0 0
per Stefania Tramarin 14 anni fa
in Musica - Video
Music video by Roxy Music performing Avalon.